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Branche: Measurement

Logo Name Kompetenzen

ADIRO Automatisierungstechnik GmbH

Branche: Energy, Measurement, Water/wastewater

Kompetenzen: Energy saving, Research systems, Measurement devices for controlling, regulating

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Dr. Hansel & Partner, Büro für Geologie und Umweltfragen

Branche: Waste, Measurement, Water/wastewater

Kompetenzen: Waste treatment, Consulting, Drinking water production

GARANT-Filter GmbH

Branche: Waste, Energy, Energy production from biomass, Environmental technology, Air, Measurement

Kompetenzen: Rubbish and old wood utilisation, Waste treatment, Exhaust air treatment, Consulting, Energy saving, Dedusting technology, Recycling

Hochschule Mannheim

Branche: Waste, every, Energy, Environmental technology, Air, Medicine, Measurement, Resource efficiency, Water/wastewater

Kompetenzen: Exhaust air treatment, Waste water, Treatment and purification, Consulting and implementation of environmentally measures, Energy efficiency, Renewable sources, Research and teaching, Photovoltaic, Resource management, Festival-liquid separation, Measuring instruments for filter technology

MAXX Mess- und Probenahmetechnik GmbH

Branche: Environmental technology, Measurement

Kompetenzen: Measurement devices for controlling, regulating, Automatic sampling for water supervision and sewage supervision

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Siegrist GmbH

Branche: Waste, Environmental technology, Measurement, Water/wastewater

Kompetenzen: Consulting, Measurement devices for controlling, regulating

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Siemens AG

Branche: Energy, Measurement

Kompetenzen: Consulting, Energy efficiency, Energy saving, Renewable sources, Financing and consulting, Measurement devices for controlling, regulating, Power generation, Drinking water production, Water treatment, Wind energy

Testo SE & Co. KGaA

Branche: Energy, Environmental technology, Measurement

Kompetenzen: Energy saving, Measurement devices for controlling, regulating

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